NovaX is more than just a toolkit—it's your bridge to the dynamic world of MultiversX blockchain. Crafted with precision in Rust, NovaX ensures you get a seamless, efficient, and type-safe experience when interacting with blockchain components.

In this guide, we'll embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of NovaX. From querying to calling, from deploying contracts to fine-tuning the user experience, we've got it all covered. Whether you're new to NovaX or looking to master its advanced features, this tutorial will provide you with the insights and hands-on techniques you need.

Throughout this cookbook, we'll utilize examples based on the xExchange ABIs. These ABIs serve as practical references to demonstrate NovaX's powerful features in real-world scenarios. You can access and download the xExchange ABIs from the following link: xExchange Pair ABI.

Get ready to elevate your blockchain development experience with NovaX!

Warning: NovaX extensively uses the async/await paradigm, which requires an asynchronous runtime. NovaX specifically relies on the Tokio runtime. Ensure you have Tokio as a dependency in your project for NovaX to function correctly.