
Deploying contracts using NovaX is a straightforward process, bearing similarities to contract calls. NovaX auto-generates a "deploy" method from the ABI. This method not only takes in the required inputs but also deployment details such as the WASM binary and metadata attributes (such as readability and upgradeability).

Creating A Wallet

The procedure here mirrors the one in the Basic Calls chapter:

extern crate novax;

use novax::Wallet;
use novax::executor::NetworkExecutor;

let wallet = Wallet::from_pem_file("<path to your .pem file>").expect("Failed to load the wallet.");
let executor = NetworkExecutor::new(

Performing The Deployment

Carrying out the deployment simply entails invoking the deploy method with the necessary parameters:

extern crate tokio;
extern crate novax;

use novax::pair::pair::PairContract;
use novax::executor::NetworkExecutor;
use novax::Wallet;
use novax::CodeMetadata;
use novax::code::DeployData;

async fn main() {
    let wallet = Wallet::from_pem_file("<path to your .pem file>").unwrap();
    let mut executor = NetworkExecutor::new(

    let deploy_data = DeployData {
        code: "<path to the .wasm file>",
        metadata: CodeMetadata::PAYABLE | CodeMetadata::UPGRADEABLE,

    let result = PairContract::deploy(
        &mut executor,
        600_000_000, // gas limit
        &"<xexchange router address>".into(),
        &"<xexchange router owner address>".into(),
        &0, // total fee percent
        &0, // special fee percent
        &"<initial liquidity adder address>".into(),
            "<first admin address>".into(),
            "<second admin address>".into(),
    .expect("Deployment failed.");

    println!("Deployment successful! Contract's address: {}", result.0.to_bech32_string().expect("Failed to convert address to bech32 format."));

The result yielded is a tuple. The first element captures the new address, and the second contains the transaction outcome.

And with that, you've successfully deployed a contract using NovaX!